Чего только не сделаешь, чтобы не заниматься переводом с русского на украинский и обратно. Бомбардировка Одессы - это довольно известный эпизод. Как и эпический фейл фрегата "Тигр", пушка с которого до сих пор стоит перед мэрией, а описание взятия по Широкораду выполнено в чисто одесском стиле. Тянуться за книгой далеко, поэтому примерный пересказ: на место посадки на мель прибыла кавалерия и несколько полевых орудий, орудия открыли огонь, а кавалерия атаковала фрегат в конном строю по мелководью. У капитана фрегата не выдержали нервы и он выкинул белый флаг.

Решив посмотреть на происходящее с другой стороны нашел на просторах гугла книгу с воспоминаниями моряков с фрегата "Тигр" попавших в русский плен и, о, да, я проникся уже первыми абзацами.

Переводить не буду, скажу только, что у места крушения судна присутствовал архитепичный казак с копьем и леди с розовыми зонтиками, по которым галантные англичане старались не стрелять :)

As the fog cleared, we could distinctly see, under the curtain as it rose, the ripple of the limpid waves that broke upon the beach; and a small boat with two oars pulled across our bows close alongshore toward the city, evidently intent upon giving notice of the catastrophe; while just above, on the cliff, through the slowly disappearing fog, we could discover the well-known figure of a Cossack on horseback, with long lance in hand, no doubt meditating on the expediency of galloping off to announce the news to his superiors, of the grounding of a steamer on the coast. To increase, if possible, the interest of the scene, we could discern two ladies, with pink parasols, promenading in their garden, which reached the edge of the cliff; and these ladies, with many others who joined them later, were witnesses of all that occurred during the day,—looking on whilst the firing took place between us and the Russian troops.

It may be well conceived that we had too much gallantry to fire upon the ladies, and that we directed our guns solely against those who attacked us. But as the bright colours of their parasols were but dimly seen, they were once mistaken for fresh troops, and ran great risk of being shot at by our riflemen. Fortunately the officers on duty made the discovery in time to avert the danger from the ladies, who, following the bent of their natural curiosity, were desirous of witnessing the attack. Little thought they that morning, on rising from their slumbers, what a scene of bloodshed and destruction was to be enacted that day, almost under their very windows,—which however could not be seen from the ship, on account of the height of the cliff. It was superstitiously imagined in Odessa that our misfortune was a judgement upon us, for the recent bombardment.

The Cossack rode off, but the ladies remained, —the former to collect the enemy's troops against us, the latter to witness the result of the combat. Let us charitably hope that the ladies had a further object in view, namely, that of rendering assistance to the wounded, and thus evincing that kind hearts exist in Russia, as all over the globe.

@темы: как-воюют-в-Одессе